Recipes for automatic testing

Code: craft-test-receptury
Category: Automatic testing
Format: 50% lecture / 50% workshop
Duration: 3 days
Target audience: developers
Enrollment: Groups, companies
Venue: Client's office.

Training Program

The content of our program can be customised during pre-training analysis.

  1. Problems
    1. Combinatoric explosion
    2. Cost
    3. Stale documentation
    4. Communication problems
    5. Unmaintainable "clicking scripts"
    6. Scope of tests
    7. Testable architecture
    8. Smells
      1. fragile tests, slow test, unreadable tests, indeterministic tests
  2. Strategies
    1. Mapping testing pyramid onto layers of the application
    2. Runnable documentation
    3. Documentation focused on business goals
  3. Tactics
    1. Application layer – End-to-end component tests
    2. Domain layer – unit tests
    3. Infrastructure layer – integration tests
  4. Techniques
    1. Test structure
    2. Validating domain invariants
    3. Assembler design patterns
    4. Assert Object design pattern
    5. Testowanie Serwisów Domenowych w stylu funkcyjnym
    6. Dest double rules:
      1. Command-Mock
      2. Query-Stub
  5. Tools

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Iwona Sobótka

Training coordinator

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